Southwest Airlines is proud to serve Montrose Regional Airport.
When you board your flight away from Montrose, your final reminder of home will be the small-town, chalet-like terminal—drink it all in before you get on your way. Whether you’re heading to a more metropolitan area of the state or trading the Rocky Mountains for Southern sun, adventure abounds. See where you can fly when departing from Montrose Regional Airport on Southwest Airlines then check in with your wanderlust to decide where to go next.
Living in an area full of world-class adventure sport options, you may find yourself interested in seeing how another part of your state does the outdoors. Pack your gear and explore how the rest of Colorado does sun and snow-bound fun. Need a change of pace? Experience the hustle and bustle of a major metropolitan area and treat yourself to a night on the town in the big city. Or leave the region behind completely and get a heaping helping of Southern hospitality mixed with the amenities of a thriving metropolis. Whether you choose to stay close to home or venture beyond Colorado, see where Southwest can take you from Montrose Regional Airport to start your next adventure.
Set out to explore the world beyond western Colorado. Book your next flight out of Montrose Regional Airport on Southwest Airlines. Discover all your destination options when departing from Montrose, CO, and earn Rapid Rewards points when you fly. The booking process will be straightforward from flight selection to checkout to boarding. Learn more about what makes the Southwest® Experience different.
*Fares are updated hourly. Fares displayed on external channels may no longer be available at time of booking. To find the most updated fare, please visit Restrictions and exclusions apply. Seats and dates are limited. Fares may vary by destination, flight, and day of week and won't be available on some flights that operate during very busy travel times and holiday periods.
Got flexible travel plans?
Use our Low Fare Calendar to find the lowest fares on flights from Montrose, CO, available inside your travel window.
City with daily nonstop flights Monday through Friday from MTJ
City with daily nonstop flights Saturday through Sunday from MTJ
†Weekly flights based on DOT published scheduled average flights Monday through Sunday between 2/1/2025 and 2/28/2025. Note: route may not operate every day of the week.
‡Nonstop flights based on DOT published scheduled average flights Monday through Friday between 2/1/2025 and 2/28/2025.
§Nonstop flights based on DOT published scheduled average flights Saturday through Sunday between 2/1/2025 and 2/28/2025.
Your trip comes with low fares and no hidden fees. That's Transfarency®.
We want to make your trip special, so we're taking everything you love about Southwest and bringing it all to your travels. Get everything Transfarency has to offer on your next trip, only with Southwest.
You can use your points to book any seat, on any flight, no exceptions. Any day, any time, any flight, your points are ready to take you to where you want to go.
Your points don’t expire.
You can earn points on flights and on everyday purchases with our partners, which makes getting to your destination easy. No matter when, or where, you earn them, your points won’t expire.
1First and second checked bags. Weight and size limits apply.
2Fare difference may apply.
3Failure to cancel a reservation at least 10 minutes prior to departure may result in forfeited Travel Funds.
4Flight credits unexpired on or created on or after July 28, 2022, do not expire and will show an expiration date until our systems are updated. See full details here.
5Where available. Available only on WiFi-enabled aircraft. Limited-time offer.
6Due to licensing restrictions, on WiFi-enabled international flights, free live TV and iHeartRadio may not be available for the full duration of flight.
7Internet access for $8 per device from takeoff to landing. Price is subject to change. May not be available for the full duration of flight. In order to provide a top-notch Internet experience, we prohibit access to certain high-bandwidth applications and websites. We also prohibit access to certain obscene or offensive content.