Your Rio Grande Valley adventure awaits when you deplane at Valley International Airport. Whether you’re headed to South Padre Island for watersports and beach-bound sunbathing or staying on the mainland to explore Harlingen and the surrounding towns, there’s plenty to do during your visit. Rent a car, call a rideshare, or hop on the shuttle to get started.
Lovers of resort-town amenities and activities will want to head straight to South Padre Island as soon as they touch down. Once you cross the Queen Isabella Causeway to the barrier island for which this gulf town is named, you’ll be immersed in a world of Spring Break vibes and opportunities for watersports thrills. Rent a boat for the day, try kitesurfing, or just soak in the Gulf Coast rays from the comfort of a beach towel. Keep your eyes on the Gulf, though—you may be able to spot dolphins at play.
If you’d rather stay on the mainland side of the Causeway, Harlingen and the larger Matamoros-Brownsville metropolitan area have plenty for those who aren’t beach-bound. Lovers of flora and fauna can explore the Hugh Ramsey Nature Park, which is the partial home of one of Rio Grande Valley’s nine World Birding Centers. The Harlingen Arroyo Colorado World Birding Center is an urban preserve that stretches across several parks following the Arroyo Colorado waterway. Hike, bike, or bring your binoculars for some local birding.
Looking for opportunities for local color? Head to neighboring Brownsville, where there always seems to be a festival. Notable calendar entries include Charro Days—a local Mexican culture celebration shared with Matamoros, Mexico—and its sister festival Sombrero Festival, and the annual three-day Latin Jazz Festival. Art and history lovers will also find several galleries and museums in Brownsville, including the Brownsville Museum of Fine Arts and the Historic Brownsville Museum.
Experience the echoes of rich culture during day-to-day life on the Gulf Coast—plan your next trip to Harlingen/South Padre Island and book a flight to Valley International Airport with Southwest®. Southwest Airlines flies to Harlingen/South Padre Island often, which makes it easy to plan your next visit. Of course, having a memorable trip is about more than finding a deal on airfare. Learn more about the Southwest® Experience and book your upcoming flight to Valley International Airport.
Got flexible travel plans?
Use our Low Fare Calendar to find the lowest fares on flights to Harlingen/South Padre Island available inside your travel window.
Cities with daily nonstop flights Monday through Friday to HRL
Cities with daily nonstop flights Saturday through Sunday to HRL
†Nonstop flights based on DOT published scheduled average flights Monday through Friday between 2/1/2025 and 2/28/2025.
‡Nonstop flights based on DOT published scheduled average flights Saturday through Sunday between 2/1/2025 and 2/28/2025.
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2First and second checked bags. Weight and size limits apply.
3Fare difference may apply.
4Failure to cancel a reservation at least 10 minutes prior to departure may result in forfeited Travel Funds.
5Flight credits unexpired on or created on or after July 28, 2022, do not expire and will show an expiration date until our systems are updated. See full details here.
6Where available. Available only on WiFi-enabled aircraft. Limited-time offer.
7Due to licensing restrictions, on WiFi-enabled international flights, free live TV and iHeartRadio may not be available for the full duration of flight.
8Internet access for $8 per device from takeoff to landing. Price is subject to change. May not be available for the full duration of flight. In order to provide a top-notch Internet experience, we prohibit access to certain high-bandwidth applications and websites. We also prohibit access to certain obscene or offensive content.