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Check in for your flight

Enter passenger information.

Please provide the information below to get checked in for your flight.


Before you go

Please Note

  • 30 minutes prior to scheduled departure time: We may begin boarding as early as 30 minutes prior to your flight's scheduled departure time. We encourage all passengers to plan to arrive in the gate area no later than this time.
  • 10 minutes prior to scheduled departure time: All passengers must obtain their boarding passes and be in the gate area available for boarding at least 10 minutes prior to your flight's scheduled departure time. If not, Southwest may cancel your reserved space, and you will not be eligible for denied boarding compensation.
  • If you do not plan to travel on your flight: In accordance with Southwest's No-Show Policy, if you are not planning to travel on any portion of this itinerary, please cancel your reservation at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time of your flight. Any Customer who fails to cancel reservations for a Wanna Get Away® or Wanna Get Away Plus® fare segment at least ten (10) minutes prior to the scheduled departure time and who does not board the flight will be considered a no-show, and all remaining unused Wanna Get Away or Wanna Get Away Plus funds will be forfeited. All remaining unused Business Select or Anytime funds will be converted to a flight credit. For Wanna Get Away® or Wanna Get Away Plus™ reward travel reservations (booked with points): If you do not cancel your reservation at least 10 minutes before the flight’s original scheduled departure time, any points used for booking will be forfeited, along with any taxes and fees associated with your reward travel reservation. For Anytime or Business Select® reward travel reservations: the points used for booking will be redeposited to the purchaser's Rapid Rewards® account, and any taxes and fees associated with the reward travel reservation will be converted into a Transferable Flight Credit™ for future use.