You can now track your bag to know it's still with you.
We board in groups A, B, and C, and line up in numerical order. Your
boarding position is on your boarding pass.
We don't assign seats at Southwest, so enjoy the freedom of picking any
available seat upon boarding.
Our fleetwide satellite-based Inflight Entertainment Portal features a
flight tracker5, texting7, movies, TV series on
demand, and live TV8—all for free!
5Where available. Available only on WiFi-enabled aircraft.
Limited-time offer.
7Texting only allows access to iMessage and WhatsApp (which
must be downloaded and activated before connecting to SouthwestWiFi).
8Due to licensing restrictions, free live TV may not be available onboard WiFi-enabled international flights.
Most of our flights feature free snacks and drinks for everyone. Looking
for a little more? We also have premium beverages1 for sale.
Cheers to you!
1Alcohol purchased onboard must be consumed onboard. You must
be 21 years or older to drink alcoholic beverages. According to the U.S.
Surgeon General, women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant
should not drink alcoholic beverages because of the risk of birth
defects. In accordance with FAA regulations, Customers are prohibited
from consuming alcoholic beverages onboard that are not served by
Southwest Airlines®. Customers will not receive a
beverage with a cap.